User Account
Operations about user
📄️ getTheAuthenticatedUser
Get user personal information
📄️ getUserByUsername
Query user information based on user name
📄️ listEmail
Get the current user's email list
📄️ getUserFollowers
Get the current user's fan list
📄️ getUserFollowersByUsername
Get the fan list of a specified user
📄️ getUserFollowing
List the current user's starred list
📄️ getTheFollowing
Get the starred list of a specified user
📄️ addFans
Follow specified user
📄️ delFans
Remove a followed user
📄️ hasThisFans
Check if the current user follows a user
📄️ hasTheFans
Check whether the user follows the specified user
📄️ listKey
Get the SSH public key list of the currently logged in user
📄️ addKey
Create a new SSH public key for the currently logged in user
📄️ delKey
Remove the specified SSH public key