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Personal access tokens can be used for user calls to the AtomGit OpenAPI interface.

Create personal access token

There is no limit on the number of personal access tokens, but all access keys for the same user share the [frequency limit] (http://api#limit) of API calls. You can create your personal access token in the following ways:

  1. Log in to AtomGit
  2. Click your avatar in the upper right corner and select Personal Settings
  3. On the User Settings menu, select Access Keys
  4. Set the key's name and optional expiration date
  5. Select the scope and permissions of the key
  6. Click the [Create] button
  7. After creation, please keep your [personal access token] properly. This key will only be displayed once after successful creation. It will no longer be displayed after you leave the current page.

Revoke personal access token

You can revoke your personal access token at any time by clicking the [Delete] button of the personal access token

Scope of PAT

You can use one or more scopes to create a personal access token. The following are the scopes and related permissions provided by AtomGit:

repoAll API interfaces related to the code base
admin:repo_issuesAll API interfaces related to code base issues
admin:org_issuesAll API interfaces related to organization issues
workflowAll API interfaces related to pipelines
write:packagesWrite permission for all API interfaces of the product library
delete:packagesDelete the API interface permissions of the product library
admin:orgAll organization-related API interfaces
admin:public_keyAPI interface for user SSH public key
admin:repo_hookCode base webhook API interface
admin:org_hookOrganization webhook API interface
notificationsAPI interface for user message notification
userAll user-related API interfaces
delete_repoDelete the API interface of the code base
audit_logAudit log API interface
projectKanban API interface
admin:gpg_keyAPI interface for GPG keys
admin:ssh_signing_keyAPI interface for SSH signing key