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AtomGit Terms Of Service

current version:【1.0】
release date:【2022.07.17】
effective date:【2022.07.17】

Thank you for using the AtomGit platform (hereinafter referred to as the "Platform").

This platform is operated and maintained by the Open Atom Open Source Foundation (hereinafter referred to as "Open Atomic" or "we", registered address: Room 2201, Floor 22, Building 8, No. 8 Yard 8, Kegu 1st Street, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, Beijing). This platform is open to the public and its main purpose is to provide code hosting and open source cooperation project management services. It is committed to the construction of a good open source ecosystem and seeks richer open source resource sharing and exchange through open governance.

The various terms in the "AtomGit Platform User Terms of Service" (hereinafter referred to as "this Agreement") will constitute the specifications of the rights and obligations between us and you. Therefore, before you register, log in and use this platform, please read this agreement in detail and pay special attention to the content in bold font. If you choose to continue to use this platform, including but not limited to accessing, browsing, logging in, etc., you will be deemed to have voluntarily promised to be bound by the terms of this agreement. If you do not accept the contents of this Agreement, you can choose to exit or stop using the services of this platform by closing the webpage, canceling your account, etc.

Please promise that when using this platform, you already have the civil capacity required by the laws of the People's Republic of China and appropriate for your behavior. If you are a person with limited capacity for civil conduct or a person without capacity for civil conduct, please read this agreement under the guidance of your legal guardian and decide whether to accept the contents of this agreement.

If you sign other agreements or documents with us based on other cooperative relationships with Open Atom, and the contents of such agreements and documents conflict with the contents of this Agreement, in the absence of clear clarification in the former, please refer to the contents of the former. allow.

1、 About the service

This platform is a service platform that connects the public with various open source software, open source hardware, open source chips and other open source content or other Internet information content. In this agreement, "user" and "you" refer to the users of this platform; "account" refers to the account created by the user to use this platform. At the same time, you can also use this platform as a guest without registering or logging in. However, in guest mode, you can only browse, download source code and related technical documents or development documents on this platform, but cannot Upload any content or use the comment feature on the Platform.

(1) Account Management

1. Account Creation

When you choose to create an account on this platform or bind your email, mobile phone number and other account information, please provide legal, valid and accurate registration information. You are not allowed to register an account with false information, and you are not allowed to register an account in another person's name by falsely using, stealing or borrowing it. You fully understand and agree that we will review the registration information you provided. In addition, please understand that if you are unable to provide us with relevant personal information, you can use this platform as a guest.

2. Account Use

Through the account you create, you can publish, transmit, share and download various open source software, open source hardware, open source chips and other open source content or other Internet information content on this platform. Please note that, unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, the account you apply for shall be owned by you only and shall be limited to your personal use.

In addition, you shall independently bear all legal responsibilities for the content posted in your account, including but not limited to code, software packages, applications, documents, your personal opinions, positions or content based on the use of various functions of this platform. . Please make sure that the content you provide on this platform or the behavior you use this platform complies with the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China. You are not allowed to produce, copy, publish, or disseminate the following information on this platform or use the services of this platform:

  • Opposing the basic principles established by the Constitution;
  • Endangering national security, leaking state secrets, subverting state power, and undermining national unity;
  • Damaging national honor and interests;
  • Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, and undermining ethnic unity;
  • Undermining national religious policies and promoting cults and feudal superstitions;
  • Spread rumors, disrupt social order, and undermine social stability;
  • Spread obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or instigate crimes;
  • Insulting or defaming others and infringing upon others' legitimate rights and interests;
  • Interfering with the normal operation and order of this platform and affecting the normal use of other users;
  • Inciting illegal assembly, association, procession, demonstration, or gathering of people to disrupt social order;
  • Contains other content prohibited by laws, administrative regulations, and policies.

If you find that this platform contains the above illegal or infringing content, you can complain to us through the relevant "report" link on this platform. In order to enable us to quickly handle your complaint and help us fulfill our obligations of Internet information service management in accordance with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations, please provide us with: 1) the name of the account suspected of infringement; 2) the name of the alleged infringement Relevant content; 3) Preliminary proving materials or explanations constituting infringement. If we discover illegal content through active discovery and acceptance of user complaints, we will take measures such as stopping transmission in accordance with the law.

Finally, you can directly use this platform account to log in and use the following websites and third-party websites operated by us without additional registration (please click to view the specific list). In this case, you should read the various terms of use and privacy policy of the website in advance and ensure that you fully understand and agree to use the relevant services.

3. Account Security

While you hold and use your account on this platform, you should ensure the security of your account, password and other account information, and be responsible for all usage activities within your account. To enhance the security of your account, you can choose to add an SSH public key to establish a more secure link between your computer and this platform. If you find that your account has been used without authorization or there are any other information security issues, you should: 1) immediately reduce and eliminate the security risks of account use by changing your password and other effective methods; 2) follow the bottom line of this agreement Communicate with us using the clear contact information. We will make reasonable efforts to reduce or eliminate account security risks.

In addition, if your account or password is lost or forgotten, you can retrieve your account or password according to the methods listed on this platform. In addition, you can also contact us through the contact information below this agreement, and we will try our best to assist you in protecting the security of your account. However, we will not be responsible for any unauthorized login, information leakage, or other situations that endanger the security of your account due to your personal reasons (such as negligent account maintenance) or other reasons that cannot be attributed to Open Atom (such as hacker attacks). responsibility.

(2) Repository Create and Use

1. Create

You can create a code base on this platform, record important versions of the code base through tag records, and set the visibility level of the code base (public or private). If you choose to make the code base public when creating a warehouse or choose to make the code base public in the warehouse settings, other users of this platform (including visitors) can access and obtain and use the code you uploaded in the code base based on the open source license agreement. . If you choose a private code base, the code base only allows people with the corresponding permissions of the warehouse to access, obtain or use the content in the code base. In addition, the code base contains a review mechanism. As a code reviewer of the code base, you can use this mechanism to review the code content uploaded by other contributors to ensure the quality of the code in the database.

Please note that the code base you create has a capacity of 2GB, and you are not allowed to store other files unrelated to the code . If you really need more code storage space, please contact us as specified below in this agreement. After you explain the usage scenarios and reasons for the expansion, we will allow you to use a larger capacity code base as appropriate. If you expand the code base privately or upload files unrelated to the code, Open Atomic reserves the right to stop you from using the code base, notify you to make a backup, and delete the code.

Please note that during your use of the code base, any code loss, code base service suspension or termination, etc. caused by your personal reasons (such as negligent account maintenance) or other reasons that cannot be attributed to Open Atom (such as hacker attacks) We do not assume any responsibility for any situation that affects your normal use of the code base.

2. Repository Open Source License

You can select the corresponding open source license when creating a warehouse, and the platform will automatically generate the corresponding open source license file for your warehouse. At the same time, you can also set the code warehouse hosted on this platform to correspond to the open source license based on the method of uploading the open source license file. In order to provide you with help related to open source licenses, this platform displays open source license information to help users obtain information about open source licenses and projects applicable to the open source licenses.

This platform only uses its current ability to identify and prompt open source license information and provides relevant information "as is". It does not make any guarantees about any information or open source licenses provided by or through this platform, and does not make any guarantees about the use of open source licenses. assumes no responsibility for any loss caused by the certified information. If you have any questions about what is the correct license for your code, or any other relevant legal issues, please consult a professional.

(3) Organization Create and Use

1. Create

You can create your own organizations on this platform or choose to join organizations created by other users. As the administrator of a self-created organization, your management rights include setting and revising the organization name, LOGO and URL, and managing different warehouses in the organization; in addition, you can also invite other users to enter the organization by sending emails, or approve Requests from other users to join the organization. As a developer in an organization created by others, you can upload and download code in different projects in the organization. As a viewer in an organization created by others, you can only view and download public repositories and codes in that organization.

2. Manage

If you are an organization administrator , you can invite other registered users to join the organization on this platform, and grant the invited users the permissions supported by this platform. For example, as an organization administrator, you can invite organization members (i.e., organization administrators) , organization developer, organization viewer), permission to modify organization information, delete organization, create warehouse within the organization, as well as read, write and configure permissions on the warehouse; as an organization developer, you can enjoy read and write permissions on the warehouse under the organization; As an organization viewer, you have read permission to the warehouse within the organization. After the invited users successfully join the organization, they can obtain the corresponding permissions of the organization based on their specific organization membership.

If you are a warehouse administrator , you can invite other registered users to join the warehouse on this platform, and grant the invited users the permissions supported by this platform. For example, as a warehouse manager, you can have read and write permissions, configuration, and access to the warehouse. Permissions; as a warehouse developer, you can have read and write permissions on the warehouse; as a warehouse browser, you can have read permissions on the warehouse. After the invited users successfully join the warehouse, they can obtain the corresponding permissions for the warehouse based on their specific identities.

Atomgit supports the creation and management of private warehouses. Please note that we will not be held responsible if the administrator mistakenly adds relevant members, resulting in data leakage and other adverse consequences.

3. Access Resources

You can log in through the user name and password registered on this platform to browse the relevant information that you have permissions on this platform. At the same time, you can upload or download the code warehouse that you have access to by using the user name and password registered on this platform (HTTP protocol) or by adding an SSH public key on this platform (SSH protocol). Please properly manage your authentication information. We will not be held responsible for any losses caused by the leakage of usernames and passwords or SSH public keys on this platform due to your own reasons or other reasons that cannot be attributed to Open Atom.

4. Delete repository

You can delete the code library for which you have management rights on this platform. After deletion, the platform will delete and destroy the files stored in the code library and all resources related to the code library. It cannot be recovered after deletion. We do not assume any responsibility for data loss due to reasons such as mistaken deletion of the code base by you or other users or other circumstances that cannot be attributed to Open Atom.

(4) Open-source Team and Open-source Project

You can access different open source team information on this platform, including the open source team profile, website, contact information, number of members, number of code bases, public selected content, etc. You can follow and favorite the organizations you care about by clicking "Starred" and view them in the "My Starred" column.

In addition, you can learn about various popular open source projects that are highly collected and discussed on this platform, including the names, operating conditions, operating instructions, test instructions, technical architecture, collaborators and intellectual property licensing status of related projects, as well as related The activity status of the project, related issues or topics, etc. In order to provide you with better services, we may recommend projects that may be of interest to you based on your use of this platform.

2、 Code of conduct for using this platform

You promise to strictly abide by the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, the usage specifications listed on this platform, and the principles of public order and good faith in the process of using this platform, and you should ensure that the relevant use does not infringe the legitimate rights and interests of any third party (including but Not limited to third-party intellectual property rights, trade secrets, etc.); specific requirements include but are not limited to:

  • You are not allowed to disrupt the operation order of this platform, and you are not allowed to interfere with this platform's services by any means or form, including using technical means to maliciously damage this platform, interfering with or destroying servers or networks connected to this platform, or publishing spam, etc.
  • You shall not destroy or crack the security or identity verification measures adopted by this platform and its services; attempt to gain unauthorized access to any content of this platform or use any services of this platform through illegal intrusion, password cracking or any other illegal means; track, Reverse search, crack, and decipher any user information on this platform, including but not limited to any account not owned by you.
  • You are not allowed to use any web scraping tools and other similar manual or automatic procedures without authorization to access, obtain, copy or monitor part or all of the content of this platform.
  • You shall not take any action that will impose an unreasonable high load on this platform and its related architecture, systems, and networks.
  • Do not harass, insult, or damage the legitimate rights and interests of other users in any form.
  • Without the consent of this platform, you may not sell, lend, share, transfer or assign your account or any account-related rights, and you may not authorize others to use all of your platform accounts.

If you fail to comply with the above usage requirements or violate relevant laws and regulations when using this platform, Open Atom has the right to take relevant measures against you to restrict or prohibit your subsequent access to this platform. In addition, if your aforementioned illegal or infringing behavior causes Open Atomic or a third party to suffer losses, you shall also bear full liability for compensation.

3、 Ownership and intellectual property rights

(1) Platform's Ownership and intellectual property rights

The ownership and operation rights of this platform (including historical versions and current versions) belong to Open Atom, and Open Atom has the final right to interpret this platform.

For content in this platform owned or controlled by Open Atomic, including but not limited to website name, network domain name, website interface, all source code and binary forms of software, samples, SDK, API; text and content published by Open Atomic , software, videos, music, sounds, graphics, photos, charts, art designs, pictures; Open Atomic's name, logo, trademark and/or service mark (including registered and unregistered); and those owned by third parties but authorized to be opened Open Atom owns all intellectual property rights or licenses for the content used by Atomic.

Unless you are the owner of relevant intellectual property rights, you may not use the above content in any form or create related derivative products without the prior written authorization of Open Atom, and you may not reverse engineer, disassemble, reverse design or decompile or disassemble. You may not deconstruct, embed, separate any part of the Software or any derivative operation, nor modify, obscure or remove any alphanumeric codes, logos, intellectual property notices and proprietary notices in the Software or any copy thereof.

In addition, given that the code, documents, user discussions and other content carried on this platform may be protected by intellectual property rights, you agree to abide by all intellectual property protection laws and regulations applicable to this platform, as well as all supplementary instructions or restrictions on intellectual property rights contained in this platform ( If any).

(2) User's Ownership and intellectual property rights

You are responsible for all original content you publish on this platform, including but not limited to the codes, development documents, articles, comments, etc. you upload and publish, as well as the open source content you generate by using this platform’s open source software, open source hardware, open source chips, etc. Derivatives enjoy ownership and corresponding intellectual property rights. In this regard, you can decide whether to authorize third parties to use it in a public or private manner. However, for derivatives, your relevant licensing behavior should not conflict with the open source license agreement of the original work. In order to facilitate the sharing and dissemination of knowledge on this platform, you agree to grant Open Atomic and its affiliates the worldwide, permanent, irrevocable, and free right to use your intellectual property rights (exclusive of your personal rights). (excluding), including but not limited to reproduction rights, distribution rights, information network dissemination rights, adaptation rights, translation rights, etc., as well as the rights to develop, publicize and promote them.

If any third party infringes upon your relevant rights, you agree to authorize Open Atomic or its designated agent to file a warning, complaint, initiate administrative enforcement, litigation, appeal, or negotiate a settlement on your behalf against the third party, and agree to If Atom deems it necessary, it will jointly safeguard rights with Open Atom.

(3) Third party's Ownership and intellectual property rights

For content hosted on this platform that has ownership rights and intellectual property rights owned by other third-party rights holders, you should ensure that you have obtained complete authorization from the relevant rights holders before using it. If you need to modify the content or use it for commercial purposes, you should contact the third-party rights holder to obtain authorization, and use the relevant content in the manner permitted by the third-party rights holder.

4、 Personal Information Protection

We attach great importance to the protection of your privacy and personal information and treat and process your personal information with a high degree of prudence. When you use this platform, such as when registering and logging in to your account, we will collect your relevant personal information; in addition, the Internet server of this platform may also automatically record the detailed information (such as IP address) of any device used to access this platform. address, domain name and browser type, access date, time and details of download information, etc. Please be aware that this platform will adopt appropriate technical measures and management measures to protect the security of your personal information.For more information about your personal information processing and protection rules,please check【Privacy】

5、 Limitation of Liability

You are fully aware that the open source software, code, open source license and other content uploaded, published, transmitted and shared by each user on this platform, or related Internet information content such as text, pictures, videos and so on, only express the personal position and opinions of the publisher, and It does not represent the position or opinions of this platform. This platform only provides the aforementioned content "as is", but does not assume any responsibility for the authenticity, legality, completeness and availability of the aforementioned content. When using this platform, you should carefully judge the content provided by other users and bear the legal risks that may arise from the use of relevant content.

Secondly, this platform is committed to providing you with high-quality and stable services. However, this platform does not guarantee that it can meet all user needs, nor does it guarantee that the server will never malfunction or be free of viruses, Trojans and other harmful programs, so that there will be no Any system accident, data loss and other information security incidents. Therefore, Open Atom cannot guarantee the reliability and continuity of the network lines and equipment of this platform. On this basis, if the platform cannot be accessed normally due to network operator reasons, network adjustments of the platform, normal system maintenance and upgrades, etc., please understand and know that Open Atom does not assume any responsibility.

In addition, this platform may contain links to third-party websites or resources, and you may be redirected to the third-party website when using this platform. During this process, this platform will take necessary measures to control and protect the security of third-party web pages within a reasonable range, but it does not assume substantive review obligations and related legal responsibilities for the content of such websites, nor does it declare or acknowledges that such web pages or their contents are owned by Open Atomic. Since the relevant third-party websites are the responsibility of their independent operators, please understand that this platform cannot guarantee the authenticity, legality and accuracy of the resources and information on these websites.

However, due to force majeure such as government actions, changes in laws or regulations, fires, earthquakes, turmoil, wars, power outages, communication line interruptions, technical adjustments of the telecommunications department, third-party services or other technologies, Internet networks, communication lines, etc., your use of this website may be affected. If there are service interruptions, data loss, etc. during the platform process, please understand and know that Open Atomic does not assume any responsibility.

Finally, unless otherwise provided by law, Open Atomic will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special or punitive compensation for your losses arising from your use of this platform. The aforementioned liability includes but is not limited to loss of profits. , reputational damage and other liability for compensation.

6、 Complaints and Dispute Handling

During your use of this platform, if you find any behavior that is suspected of infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of this platform, please inform us of the relevant complaint information according to the contact information at the bottom of this agreement.

If you believe that this platform contains content that infringes upon your or others' legitimate rights and interests, you can first try to contact the relevant users and resolve the problem through communication and negotiation. At the same time, you can also make complaints to this platform through the methods shown below in this agreement. In order for this platform to handle relevant complaints quickly and in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, please ensure that your complaint contains the following content: the name, contact information and address of the rights holder; the name and URL of the allegedly infringing content. If Open Atom initially determines that the complained content does constitute infringement, Open Atom has the right to take measures such as deleting the allegedly infringing content or disconnecting the link to the allegedly infringing content in accordance with the "Regulations on the Protection of Information Network Communication Rights" and other relevant provisions.

Please note that regardless of whether the content of your infringement report is completely true or not, you will bear all legal responsibilities arising therefrom, and will bear and compensate the platform for processing the relevant complained user account based on your notice. All losses.

7、 Term Updates

According to the development of the Internet and changes in relevant laws, regulations and normative documents, or due to business development needs, Open Atomic has the right to modify the terms of this agreement. Once the content of this Agreement is revised, we will publish the revised content of the Agreement, and this announcement will be deemed as Open Atom has fulfilled its obligation to notify you of the revised content. In addition, Open Atomic may also use email or private messages to notify you of modifications to the terms of this Agreement, service changes, or other important matters.

If you do not agree to Open Atomic’s relevant revisions to this Agreement, you have the right and should stop using this platform. However, if you continue to use this platform, it will be deemed that you accept the relevant amendments to this agreement made by this platform.

Open Atomic Platform has the right to unilaterally update the service content of this platform at any time without notifying you or any third party. You acknowledge and accept the above updates. We recommend that you visit this platform regularly to learn about relevant updates as soon as possible.

8、 Divisibility

If some terms in this Agreement are found to be invalid, this invalid part will not affect the validity of other terms in this Agreement.

9、 About Applicable Laws and Dispute Resolution

Open Atomic does not make any representation that the information, software and documents on this platform are appropriate or available for browsing or downloading in other places outside China. If you access the Platform from other regions outside of China, you must comply with all applicable local laws. If the information, software or documents on this platform may violate or be inconsistent with the laws and regulations of the country or region where you are accessing, Open Atom may prohibit you from accessing this platform from abroad.

The applicable law of this Agreement is the law of the People's Republic of China, and the place of signature is the domicile of Open Atom. If both parties still cannot reach an agreement with respect to all requests, differences or disputes arising out of or related to this Agreement after friendly negotiation, the parties shall submit to the signature of this Agreement File a lawsuit with the local people's court with jurisdiction.

10、 Contact Us

You can provide feedback on the services of this platform so that the platform can continuously improve its functions and enhance user experience. If you have any questions about this platform or this Agreement, please contact us via the following email: . Open Atomic will attach great importance to and seriously consider any opinions or suggestions you provide, and is committed to providing you with better products or services.