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AtomGit Privacy Policy

current version:【1.0】
release date:【2022.07.17】
effective date:【2022.07.17】

Dear users:

Welcome to the AtomGit platform!

The AtomGit platform (hereinafter referred to as the "platform") is a code hosting platform developed, operated and managed by the Open Atom Open Source Foundation. The Open Atom Open Source Foundation (hereinafter referred to as "we") is a non-profit independent legal entity registered with the Ministry of Civil Affairs and dedicated to the public welfare of the open source industry. We will provide you with registration, login, code hosting and open source collaboration services through this platform. In order to better let you understand how this platform handles (collects, stores, uses, processes, provides, transmits, discloses, deletes, etc.) and protects your personal information, and how to realize your management of your personal information, we based on The "Personal Information Protection Law of the People's Republic of China" and relevant laws, regulations and national standards formulate the "AtomGit Platform Privacy Policy" (hereinafter referred to as "this Privacy Policy").

Please be sure to read this privacy policy in detail before you officially register and use this platform. In this privacy policy, we will draw your attention to content that has a significant impact on your personal information rights by bolding or underlining it, and you should read it carefully. If you have any questions about the contents of this Privacy Policy, please be sure to contact us through the contact information shown in "10. Contact Information" below this Privacy Policy before you register and use this platform, and we will answer your questions.

This privacy policy only applies to natural person users located in the People's Republic of China who use this platform. This privacy policy only applies to the services provided to you by the AtomGit platform, and does not involve services provided by our other platforms, nor does it involve services provided by any third party. Due to the needs of the development of the service functions of this platform and the requirements of corresponding laws and regulations, we may modify this privacy policy from time to time. Without your explicit consent or without explicit requirements of laws and regulations, we will not make any changes to this Privacy Policy that will significantly detract from your existing rights and interests. Once the privacy policy is modified, we will notify you through pop-up windows, announcements, etc. If you do not agree to the modified privacy policy, please stop using this platform service immediately. If you continue to use the services of this platform, you will be deemed to agree to the revised Privacy Policy.

Through this privacy policy, you will understand the following:

  • 1. Definition
  • 2. How we collect and use your personal information
  • 3. How we use cookies and similar technologies
  • 4. Entrusted processing, sharing, transfer and public disclosure of personal information
  • 5. How we store and protect your personal information
  • 6. Protection of children’s personal information
  • 7. Cross-border provision of personal information
  • 8. How we respond to your request for personal information rights
  • 9. Updates of this Privacy Policy
  • 10. Contact Us

1、 Definition

(1) Personal information: It is various information related to identified or identifiable natural persons recorded electronically or by other means, excluding anonymized information.

(2) Personal information processing: including the collection, storage, use, processing, transmission, provision, disclosure, deletion, etc. of personal information.

The definitions of other concepts not mentioned in this Privacy Policy are consistent with the definitions in the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China.

2、 How we collect and use your personal information

(1)Account register

In order to realize the registration function of this platform, we may need you to provide your mobile phone number, email address, and user name information. To ensure the security of your account, you may also need to set Account Password according to relevant requirements. u>. We use the above information to open an account for you on this platform to further realize the functions that you need to log in to on this platform. You understand that if you have an account, you need to log in to the account to implement the functions of this platform. The above information is necessary personal information. If you are unable to provide the above information, you will not be able to complete the account registration on this platform. The aforementioned information will only be collected when you register an account for the first time, or when you actively update your mobile phone number, email address and user name.

(2)Third-party account login

In addition to registering an account on this platform, when you log in to this platform through a third-party platform account, you need to authorize us to collect the nickname, avatar, username, mobile phone number and email address information of the third-party platform account. You understand that based on the platform's real-name system for providing information service requirements,the foregoing information is necessary personal information to log in to the platform using a third-party platform account. If you are unable to provide the above information, you will not be able to log in with a third-party platform account. The aforementioned information is only collected when you log in for the first time using a third-party platform account.

(3)Edit profile

This platform provides personal information editing functions, through which you can enrich and improve your personal information. For this purpose, we will collect the avatar, email address, personal website or blog, company, location, and personal profile information you provide. The above information is collected each time you edit your profile. You understand that the above personal information is provided by you voluntarily. If you are unable to provide the above information, it will not affect your use of other functions of this platform except personal data editing and display.

(4)SSH public Key

The SSH public key is used to establish a more secure link between your computer and this platform, and this platform can generate an SSH public key for this purpose. The SSH public key and its name are generated by your active settings. The above personal information is provided voluntarily by you. If you are unable to provide the above information, it will not affect your use of other functions of this platform except the SSH public key creation function.

(5)Other situations in which your personal information may be collected and used

This platform may send you invitations or product service experience promotion content from time to time through text messages or phone calls. At that time, we will complete the above services by using the mobile phone number you provided when registering. If you are unwilling to accept this service, you can unsubscribe through the methods shown in "8. (4) Withdrawal of Consent" of this Privacy Policy. After you unsubscribe, we will no longer provide you with this service.

According to legal provisions, we do not need to obtain your consent to process your personal information under the following circumstances:

(1) Necessary for the conclusion and performance of a contract to which you are a party; (2) Necessary to fulfill the legal obligations of this platform; (3) In order to respond to public health emergencies, or necessary to protect the life, health and property safety of natural persons in emergency situations; (4) Implement news reporting, public opinion supervision and other activities for the public interest, and process personal information within a reasonable scope; (5) Process personal information that you have disclosed yourself or that has been legally disclosed by others within a reasonable scope in accordance with legal provisions; (6) Other situations stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.

3、 How we use cookies and similar technologies

(1)What are cookies and similar technologies

Cookies are small files that are stored in your computer, mobile phone or other smart terminal devices by the website server when you log in to the website or browse online content. They usually contain identifiers, site names and some numbers and characters. We may use cookies to improve the user experience and service friendliness when you visit this platform, mainly for statistics and analysis based on your website access and usage habits, etc., to record your preferences and settings, so as to improve our products and enhance Relevant basis for services. In addition to cookies, similar technologies such as web beacons or pixel tags can also achieve similar effects through tracking and reporting.

(2)How we use cookies and similar technologies

When you use this platform, we may collect your user name, avatar, device model, operating system, device identifier, login IP address information through cookies or similar technologies, and cache your browsing information , Click Information. We will not associate the aforementioned information collected through cookies and similar technologies with your personal account information or identity information, nor will we use it for purposes other than statistical analysis and improvement of website service effects, etc. beyond the scope disclosed in this privacy policy. The purpose of our use of cookies and similar technologies is to infer the areas of interest of user groups by understanding your behavior when using this platform. Based on this, we will continuously optimize the user-friendliness of this platform and make timely adjustments to relevant functions or services of this platform according to your needs. out adjustment.

(3)How to manage cookies and similar technologies

Most device browsers usually allow you to choose to disable only third-party cookies or all cookies. You can enable or disable the browser's cookies and similar technologies on the Platform by changing the browser settings of your device, but this may affect your experience of using the Platform, for example, we may not be able to understand your use of the Platform and may need to repeat the settings. For more information, refer to the help menu in your device's terminal browser or the documentation that came with your device.

4、 Entrusted processing, sharing, transfer and public disclosure of personal information

(1)Consignment Processing

In order to ensure the normal and stable provision of various functions of this platform, we may introduce technical service providers to jointly provide services to you. These technical service providers may be entrusted with processing your data based on the need to achieve business purposes. in particular:

(1) Based on the operational needs of this platform, we will entrust one or more cloud service technology providers to provide data storage services. Data storage service providers will only provide you with data storage services within the scope of accepting the entrustment of this platform and following the instructions of this platform. We will sign strict data processing agreements or confidentiality agreements with entrusted data processing service providers, requiring them to process personal information in accordance with our instructions, this privacy policy and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures to ensure that they will not actively obtain or Access your personal information and any other data generated while using the Platform.

(2) In order to meet the legal requirements of this platform for Internet information content security and account information security management, this platform may entrust an information content review technology service provider to assist us in fulfilling our legal obligations for platform content management. We will sign a strict data processing agreement or confidentiality agreement with the entrusted content moderation technology service provider. You understand that the aforementioned review process may involve the use of machines or manual methods to review and process the information you submit, upload or disclose, but we will take necessary desensitization measures to ensure information security. Data processing is carried out by these content moderation technology providers.

3) In order to handle your complaints, suggestions and other demands in a timely manner, we will entrust one or more customer service providers to collect and process your relevant personal information so that we can understand, process and respond to your needs in a timely manner. We will sign strict data processing agreements or confidentiality agreements with our customer service providers. You understand that the aforementioned process of resolving customer complaints may collect and use your account information, voice or text records of your complaints, suggestions or other demands. If necessary, we may use the mobile phone you reserved on the platform. number or other communication methods to provide you with feedback on the results of customer complaint handling.


In principle, we will not share your personal information with third parties without your separate consent.

When you use this platform account to log in to other websites or third-party platforms (such as the official website of the Open Atom Open Source Foundation and other open source project websites), with your separate consent, we will use your platform account information (user name, mobile phone number, Email address, avatar) provided to these websites or platforms that you authorize to use.

In addition, if we need to share your personal information with any other third party for future business development, we will inform you in advance of the name of the recipient, contact information, processing purpose, processing method and type of personal information. We will share your personal information with third parties only with your consent.


In principle, we will not disclose your personal information without your separate consent.

The following situations will be deemed as your authorization for us to disclose your personal information: When you edit your personal information, you check "Show email on personal homepage". At this time we will publish your email address. You can check "Don't show email" on the same page to revoke this authorization.


In principle, we will not transfer your personal information to other third parties without your separate consent.

When we need to transfer personal information due to business strategy adjustments or business decisions such as mergers, divisions, terminations, etc., we will inform you of the name and contact information of the recipient, and require the recipient of personal information to continue to perform relevant obligations in accordance with this privacy policy. . If the receiving party changes the processing purposes and methods of this privacy policy, we will require it to obtain your separate consent again.

According to relevant laws and regulations or to protect public interests, we do not need to obtain your consent when sharing, providing, disclosing, or transferring personal information in the following circumstances:

  • (1) Relevant to our performance of obligations stipulated in laws and regulations;
  • (2) Directly related to national security and national defense security;
  • (3) Directly related to public security, public health, and major public interests;
  • (4) Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgment;
  • (5) To protect the life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests of you or other individuals of our employees but it is difficult to obtain your authorization and consent;
  • (6) Personal information disclosed by the personal information subject to the public on his own initiative;
  • (7) Collect personal information from legally publicly disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels.

5、 How we store and protect your personal information

(1)Storage of personal information

Your personal information collected or generated by us in the People's Republic of China will be stored in servers in the People's Republic of China. In accordance with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations such as the Personal Information Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, we limit the storage period of personal information to the minimum necessary range.

Based on different scenarios, content and services, the data storage period may vary.The criteria we use to determine the storage period include: completing the business purpose (including providing content and services, maintaining corresponding transactions and business records, controlling and improving the performance and quality of content and services, and ensuring the security of systems, content and services, How long personal information needs to be retained in response to possible user inquiries or complaints, problem locating, etc.; whether the user agrees to a longer storage period; whether there are special requirements for retaining data in laws, contracts, etc. )As for the personal information you use to register and log in, in order to ensure the continuity of this platform's services, we will retain your personal information for a long time during your use of this platform's services.

(2)Protection of personal information

We take the security of personal information seriously. We use appropriate physical, administrative and technical safeguards to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss. For example, we will use encryption technology to ensure the confidentiality of data; we will use protection mechanisms to prevent data from malicious attacks; we will deploy access control mechanisms to ensure that only authorized personnel can access personal information; and we will implement security and privacy protection Training courses to enhance employees’ awareness of the importance of protecting personal information. We will do our best to protect your personal information, but please understand that the Internet is not 100% safe. If a personal information security incident occurs, we will promptly inform you of the following incident-related information in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations: the basic facts and possible impact of the security incident, the handling measures we have taken or will take, and your ability to prevent and reduce the risk on your own. Advice on risks, remedies for you, etc.

You know: The personal information protection measures provided by this platform only apply to this website. Once you leave this platform and browse or use other websites, services and content resources, this platform has no ability or legal obligation to protect you. Any personal information submitted on websites other than this platform, regardless of whether you log in or browse the above websites based on links or guidance from this platform.

6、 Protection of children’s personal information

This website, its content and services are only provided to natural persons over the age of fourteen.。

Minors under the age of 14 are not allowed to create their own user accounts without the consent of their parents or guardians. When we collect children's personal information with parental consent, we will only use or disclose their personal information when permitted by law, with the explicit consent of parents or guardians, or when it is necessary to protect children. If we discover that the Platform has collected children's personal information without prior verifiable parental consent, we will delete the relevant data and personal information as soon as possible. We will protect the personal information of children under the age of 14 in accordance with the Provisions on the Protection of Children's Personal Information Online and other relevant laws and regulations.

7、 Cross-border provision of personal information

Currently, this platform only provides services to natural person users within the territory of the People's Republic of China, and does not provide any personal information to overseas organizations and individuals. When we need to provide personal information overseas, we will inform you of the type, purpose and method of processing the personal information and obtain your consent again in accordance with applicable relevant laws and regulations.

8、 How we respond to your request for personal information rights

(1)Inquiry, correction and addition of personal information

You can inquire, correct, and supplement your personal information through [Personal Settings - User Settings - Basic Information].

(2)Deletion of personal information

According to legal provisions, you have the right to ask us to delete your personal information when the following circumstances occur:

  • (1) The purpose of processing has been achieved, cannot be achieved, or is no longer necessary to achieve the purpose of processing;
  • (2) We stop providing products or services, or the storage period has expired;
  • (3) You withdraw your consent;
  • (4) We process your personal information in violation of laws, administrative regulations or agreements;
  • (5) Other situations stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.

You can delete your personal information through [Personal Settings-User Settings-Basic Information]. If you are unable to delete your information independently through the above methods, you can also submit a personal information deletion request to us through the methods shown in "10. Contact Us" of this Privacy Policy. Normally, we will process it within 15 working days.

(3)Account Cancel

You may withdraw your consent to this Privacy Policy by canceling your account. The way to cancel the account is [My Page - User Settings - Account Security - Cancel Account].

**Please note that before you cancel your account, after you cancel your account, it means that you withdraw your consent to this Privacy Policy, and we will immediately delete your personal information and the organization and code base (if any) you created, and these actions are irreversible. That is, these personal information and data cannot be retrieved once deleted. You need to carefully assess the risks and losses that may be caused to you by the consequences and cancel the operation.

You can change the scope of your authorization for us to continue collecting personal information or withdraw your authorization by deleting information, turning off functions voluntarily, etc. You can also completely withdraw our authorization to continue collecting your personal information by canceling your account.

Please understand that each business function requires some basic personal information to complete. When you withdraw your consent or authorization, we cannot continue to provide you with the services corresponding to the withdrawal of consent or authorization, and we will no longer process your corresponding personal information. . However, according to legal provisions, your decision to withdraw your consent or authorization will not affect our previous processing of personal information based on your authorization.

(5)Respond to your requests above

To ensure security, you may need to provide a written request or other identification to prove your identity. We may require you to verify your identity before processing your request. We will provide a response within 15 days.

We do not charge any fees for your reasonable requests in principle, but for requests that are repeated multiple times and exceed reasonable limits, we will charge a certain cost according to the situation. We may refuse requests that are unfounded, require excessive technical means (such as developing new systems or fundamentally changing existing practices), pose risks to the legitimate rights and interests of others, or are highly impractical (such as involving information stored on backup tapes). Please be aware that in the following situations, in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements, we will not be able to respond to your request:

  • (1) Directly related to national security and national defense security;
  • (2) Directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;
  • (3) Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments;
  • (4) There is sufficient evidence to indicate that you have subjective malice or abused your rights;
  • (5) Responding to your request will cause serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of you or other individuals or organizations.
  • (6) Involving trade secrets.

9、 Updates of this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to update or modify this privacy policy from time to time. If our privacy policy changes, we will publish the latest version of our privacy policy on this website. Unless otherwise stated, the privacy policy will take effect immediately If we make significant changes to our privacy policy, we may also send you change notifications through different channels, such as posting notifications on this website or issuing separate notifications to you.

Except as provided by laws and regulations, we will not reduce your rights under this privacy policy without your explicit consent.

10、 Contact Us

If you have any questions about this privacy policy or require the exercise of personal rights, you can contact us through the following methods:

  • Email:
  • Address:2201, 22nd Floor, Building 8, Courtyard 8, Kegu 1st Street, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone

Normally, we will reply within 15 working days.