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Get all labels for the issue of the repository.

Get all labels for the issue of the repository.

Path Parameters
  • owner required

    The owner of the code repository, generally referred to as the 'username'. This name is case-insensitive.

  • repo required

    repository path(This name is case-insensitive)

  • issue_number required

    the number of issue

Header Parameters
  • Authorization required

    Oauth2 token or private token (must be prefixed with 'Bearer' followed by a space).



  • Array [
  • id string

    tag id

  • name string

    tag name

  • color string

    tag color

  • desc string

    tag description

  • repository_id string

    Repository id

  • created_at string

    tag create time

  • updated_at string

    tag update time

  • ]