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Get a notification from the user

Get the user's notifications based on the notification ID

Path Parameters
  • id required

    notifications id

Header Parameters
  • Authorization required

    Oauth2 token or private token(need Bearer+" " begin)



  • id string

    notify message id

  • content string

    notify message content

  • unread boolean

    notify message is unread

  • updated_at string

    notify message update date time

  • url string

    notify message api url

  • html_url string

    notify message html url

  • type string

    notify type

  • namespace object

    belong to organization or project's namespace info

  • id string

    organization or project's id

  • name string

    organization or project's name

  • path string

    organization or project's path

  • type string

    namespace type

  • actor object

    sender info

  • login string

    sender's username

  • id string

    sender's userid

  • avatar_url string

    sender's avatar url

  • url string

    sender info api url

  • html_url string

    sender profile html url

  • followers_url string

    sender's followers url

  • followering_url string

    sender's followering url

  • gists_url string

    sender's gists url

  • starred_url string

    sender's starred url

  • subscriptions_url string

    sender's subscriptions url

  • organizations_url string

    sender's organizations url

  • repos_url string

    sender's repos url

  • events_url string

    sender's events url

  • received_events_url string

    sender's received events url

  • type string

    sender's user type

  • site_admin string

    sender is a admin
