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List the activities received by a user.

List the activities received by a user.

Path Parameters
  • username required


Header Parameters
  • Authorization required

    Oauth2 token or private token (must be prefixed with 'Bearer' followed by a space).



  • Array [
  • type string

    Activity type

  • actor object

    actor info

  • login string

    actor username

  • id string

    actor user id

  • avatar_url string

    actor user avatar url

  • url string

    API endpoint for querying user information.

  • html_url string

    User profile url.

  • followers_url string

    actor's followers url

  • followering_url string

    actor's followering url

  • gists_url string

    actor's gists url

  • starred_url string

    actor's starred url

  • subscriptions_url string

    actor's subscriptions url

  • organizations_url string

    actor's organizations url

  • repos_url string

    actor's repos url

  • events_url string

    actor's events url

  • received_events_url string

    actor's received events url

  • type string

    actor's user type

  • site_admin string

    Is actor a administrator

  • repo object

    Repository information

  • id string

    Repository id

  • name string

    Repository name

  • path string

    Repository path

  • name_with_namespace string

    Full repository name (including namespace name)

  • path_with_namespace string

    Full repository path (including namespace path)

  • visibility_level int

    Is the repository public

  • web_url string

    repository web url

  • created_at string

    create time

  • payload string

    The relevant information included in the activity.

  • ]