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Create organization

Create organization.

Header Parameters
  • Authorization required

    Oauth2 token or private token (needs to start with Bearer plus a space)

Request Body required

create org request body

  • name string

    name of organization

  • org string

    name space of organization

  • description string

    description of organization



  • login string

    organization name

  • id string

    organization id

  • url string

    Organization's OepnApi address

  • repos_url string

    organization’s repos address

  • events_url string

    The organization’s event address

  • hooks_url string

    Organization’s hooks address

  • issues_url string

    The organization’s issue address

  • members_url string

    The organization’s members address

  • public_members_url string

    The organization’s public members address

  • avatar_url string

    Organization avatar address

  • description string

    description of the organization

  • name string

    the organization's name

  • company string

    Organization official website

  • blog string

    Organization's blog

  • location string

    Organization location

  • public_repos Integer

    The number of public repositories of the organization

  • followers Integer

    Number of fans of the organization

  • following Integer

    Number of followers of the organization

  • email string

    Organization's email address

  • html_url string

    URL of the organization

  • created_at string

    Creation time of the organization

  • updated_at string

    Organization update time

  • type string

    type of organization
