Invite a user to the organization using the AtomGit user's ID or email address. The current user initiating the operation must be the organization owner.
Path Parameters
- org string required
organization namespace
Header Parameters
- Authorization required
Oauth2 token or private token (needs to start with Bearer plus a space)
- application/json
Request Body
- invitee_id string
Required unless you provide an email. The AtomGit user ID of the person you invited.
- email string
Required unless you provide an email. The AtomGit user ID of the person you invited.
- role string
new member's role:maintainer、developer、guest。
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- login string
Invitee username
- id string
Invitee user id
- role string
Invitee user role
- email string
Email address of the invitee
- created_at string
operation time
inviter object
Inviter information
login stringInviter username
id stringInviter user ID
avatar_url stringInviter user avatar
url stringInviter information api address
html_url stringInviter’s homepage address
followers_url stringthe inviter’s followers url
following_url stringfollowing url of the inviter
gists_url stringgists url of the inviter
starred_url stringthe inviter's starred url
subscriptions_url stringInviter’s subscriptions url
organizations_url stringThe organizations url of the inviter
repos_url stringThe repos url of the inviter
events_url stringevent url of the inviter
received_events_url stringthe inviter’s received events url
type stringuser type of the inviter
site_admin stringWhether the inviter is an administrator
"login": "csdn",
"id": "62b59720cbcaeffdff0148ce",
"role": "maintainer",
"email": "",
"created_at": "2022-12-21T15:45:17+08:00",
"inviter": {
"login": "mrpuatomgit",
"id": "63db126c0566d2f7d2c9498c",
"avatar_url": "https://img-host/uploads/user/1656318880150_5104.png",
"url": "",
"html_url": "",
"followers_url": null,
"following_url": null,
"gists_url": null,
"starred_url": null,
"subscriptions_url": null,
"organizations_url": null,
"repos_url": null,
"events_url": null,
"received_events_url": null,
"type": "user",
"site_admin": false
Wrong parameters
Operation failed, not logged in yet
No permission yet, operation failed