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Set the user's role in the organization based on the user name

Path Parameters
  • org string required

    organization namespace

  • username string required

    the queried user's username

Header Parameters
  • Authorization required

    Oauth2 token or private token (needs to start with Bearer plus a space)

Request Body
  • role string

    set user's role:maintainer、developer、guest。



  • url string

    openApi address of organization member details

  • state string

    Organization status

  • role string

    To query organization member roles

  • organization_url string

    openApi address of organization details

  • user object

    Detailed information of the user name being queried

  • login string

    the user name being queried

  • id string

    The user ID being queried

  • avatar_url string

    The avatar of the user being queried

  • url string

    the openApi address of the user details being queried

  • html_url string

    The atomgit access address of the queried user

  • followers_url string

    The queried user followers address

  • following_url string

    The following address of the user being queried

  • gists_url string

    The user gists address being queried

  • starred_url string

    The starred address of the user being queried

  • subscriptions_url string

    Queryed user subscriptions address

  • organizations_url string

    Queryed user organizations address

  • repos_url string

    The queried user repos address

  • events_url string

    The user events address being queried

  • received_events_url string

    The queried user's received events address

  • type string

    The type of user being queried

  • site_admin string

    The user being queried is an administrator

  • organization object

    Organization information of the current operation

  • login string

    organization name

  • id string

    organization id

  • url string

    Organization's OepnApi address

  • repos_url string

    organization’s repos address

  • events_url string

    The organization’s event address

  • hooks_url string

    Organization’s hooks address

  • issues_url string

    The organization’s issue address

  • members_url string

    The organization’s members address

  • public_members_url string

    The organization’s public members address

  • avatar_url string

    Organization avatar address

  • description string

    description of the organization
